Learn how living by faith can help you live your everyday life as if everything is a miracle. You get "real" examples. ing is a miracle

Tuesday, April 30, 2024


Looking at Life Problems

How I deal with my complaints

In my daily life, I try to catch myself complaining about anything, such as the weather—whether I am making a comment or just thinking a thought about the weather. By not complaining, I try to avoid putting my mind in a state of unconsciousness that creates negative energy and denial of the present moment. When I am complaining, I am in fact saying: “I cannot accept what is, and I am a victim of the present situation.” Understandably, in the present moment, we all have only three options in any situation that we are complaining about: get away from the situation; change the situation;  and accept the situation as it is.

If I want to take any action—whether it is getting away or changing the situation—I try my best to remove any negativity first and foremost.

If it is my decision to take no action, I honestly ask myself if it is fear that stands in my way of taking any action: I tell myself that any action is often better than no action. Staying in the present moment does the mental trick of controlling my thoughts:  focusing my mind on the present moment, and looking objectively at the fear that may be holding me back from taking any action, without letting fear get into my subconscious mind to create any negativity.

If, after much deliberation, I still decide to take no action, then I accept it fully and consciously, with no regret and no “should have” or “might have” because the whole episode now belongs to the past and is no longer real for me. It is important for me not to experience any inner conflict, resistance, or negativity in the mental process of deciding to take no action.

How I deal with stress

Stress is inevitable in contemporary living. My wife sometimes complains that I stress her, and my spontaneous reply is: “If I don’t stress you, something or somebody would stress you. Just learn to cope with it!” Yes, everybody has to cope with stress, and not to deal with the stressor.

When I was working on a book, it was easy for me to focus too much on the future and forget about the present. My mind seemed to be preoccupied with getting to the future, that is, finishing a certain chapter or the completion of a book, such that I easily forgot about the present. Then I began to realize that my stress was due to my “being here” but “wanting to be there.” With that realization, I have learned to re-focus more on the present, and less on the future. As a matter of fact, I have stopped creating timelines for my writing. In the writing process, sometimes I don’t like what I have written (what is known as a writer’s bad days) but I try to enjoy the writing process, rather than looking at what I have written and what I don’t like about. By focusing on the present, instead of on the finished product in the future, I have learned to enjoy my writing and the writing process, and I am able to revise what I previously did not like. So, the key is doing something totally focused on the present moment.

Awareness and concentration are important ingredients in mental clarity and relaxation to de-stress the mind.

How I deal with the past

In my life, I have made many mistakes, which have changed my life—maybe for the worse, or maybe not. Who knows? And who cares?

I never let the past take up my attention. I do not let my thinking process create any anger, guilt, pride, regret, resentment, or self-pity. Like everybody else, I do have these negative feelings and emotions, but they do not last long. I believe that if I allow these thoughts of mine to control me, I would look much older than my calendar age, and, worse, create a false sense of self.

To reminisce what was good in the past would intensify a desire to repeat such an experience in the future, and thus creating an insatiable longing that may never be fulfilled. To recall what was unpleasant in the past would generate feelings of remorse and unhappiness. What is the use? I just let bygones be bygones. In my mind, there is no ”what if.”

How I deal with failures

The path of living is strewn with failures, big and small. But they should not become stumbling blocks in life journey.  Like everybody else, I have met my failures:

I look upon my failures with positive attributes: a lesson of humility to show my own limitation and inadequacy; a lesson that I may never get what I want in life; a lesson to strengthen my character as a human being; a lesson to learn about perseverance and survival from failures.

If I had succeeded in those endeavors in the past, I would have embarked on a totally different life journey heading toward a totally different direction. Would I really have been better off or worse off? Who knows, and who cares? I never ponder on the “might have” or the “would have” scenarios.

How I look at death

I am now closer to the end rather than the beginning. That is to say, the thought of death has become more and more real with each day passing. I have come to believe that most elderly people have similar experience.

If I could ask but one question about the future, it would be: “How am I going to die?” and not “When am I going to die?”

I wouldn’t want to know about the when. To me, time is not a big factor. My desire to know the “how” is just out of plain curiosity. Anyway, they are just hypothetical questions without any answer.

In life, we all ask many different questions, some of which are practical, some hypothetical, and some without an answer. To many, living is a search for an answer to many of the unanswerable questions in life.

So, stop looking for an answer to every question asked, but continue to ask, and just live if there were no tomorrow.

Stephen Lau
Copyright© by Stephen Lau

Monday, April 29, 2024




All About . . . .

Myasthenia gravis is one of the many autoimmune diseases, which, according to contemporary Western medicine, offer no known cure, except controlling or suppressing their many disease symptoms.

This book is based on the author's own experience of battling against his myasthenia gravis: how he stopped all his medications through a holistic approach to controlling and managing the disease. This book provides insight and well-researched information that he would like to share with those who are afflicted with myasthenia gravis or any other autoimmune disease.

Albert Einstein once said: "There are two ways to live: you can live as if nothing is a miracle; you can live as if everything is a miracle." Believe in the miracle of self-healing. Healing comes only from within, and not from any external source. Every individual should avail every opportunity to initiate the self-healing process, which is innate in the human body. Just believing in the miracle of self-cure, however, is not enough; you must also empower yourself with knowledge and information to overcome myasthenia gravis through a holistic approach to the wellness of the body, the mind, and the spirit.

This book covers every aspect of holistic health to cope with autoimmunity: body detox, diet, lifestyle changes, exercises for muscle weakness, and mental relaxation techniques for vision problems associated with myasthenia gravis. "The human body experiences a powerful gravitational pull in the direction of hope. That is why the patient's hopes are the physician's secret weapon. They are the hidden ingredients in any prescription." (Norman Cousins) Find your own ingredients in your prescription for a cure of your myasthenia gravis.

The above is what this book is all about. Click here to get your copy from AMAZON.

The  Outline of the Book . . . .



Autoimmune Diseases
What are the potential causes?
Who are more at risk?

The Cellular Health
How Body Cells May Become Damaged
The Damages by Free Radicals
Boosting Immunity
Protecting the Immune System



My Conditions
My Treatment
My Rude Awakening
The Road to Self-Healing



The Power of the Mind
Changing the Subconscious Mind to Heal
Optimizing Subliminal Messages



Steroid Therapy
The Dangers of Drugs
Take control of your health and escape the sickness industry


Sources of Toxins
Common Symptoms of a Toxic Body
Different Ways of Detoxification
Fasting to detoxify
Skin brushing to detoxify
Foot patches to detoxify
Hydrotherapy to detoxify
Exercise to detoxify
Foods to detoxify
Herbs to detoxify



Sources of acidification
Diseases caused by acidification
Symptoms of excess acidification
Measuring acid-alkaline levels
Foods to balance acid-alkaline levels

Eating to Live, Not Living to Eat
Eating Less, Not More
Eating Frequently, Not Three Time a Day
Eating Living Foods, Not Dead Foods
Eating Sea Salt, Not Table Salt
Eating No Refined Sugar
Eating Raw Occasionally
Chewing Thoroughly
Smart Cooking
Wheat Grass
Brown Rice
Sea Vegetables
Sweet Potatoes and Yams
Burdock and Daikon Drink
Four Greens Drink
Pine Needles Drink
The Yin and Yang Diet
The Five Elements
Suggested sugar replacements for healthy eating for a healthy immune system
Dairy Products



The Health Hazards
Secondhand smoke
Quitting the Habit
Beer Drinking
Understanding the Causes of Stress in You
r Life
Ways to Handle Stress
Stress Management
Perceptions of stress
Long-term measures to manage stress
Manage stress the Chinese way

Dealing with Life’s Problems



Signs and Symptoms of Stress
Deep Relaxation
How to meditate
How to breathe right to meditate and to relax

Mind Aerobics
Color Therapy
Mental Attention
Intense presence of the mind
Mind training to focus on the present moment



Qi Gong
Relax the Body to Relax the Eye
Self-Massage to Relax the Eye
Facial and eye massage
Rub the eye
Acupressure for eye massage and eye relaxation

Eye Exercises to Relax the Eye
Regular eye relaxation
Palming to relax the eye
The "8" eye exercise for relaxation and flexibility
The Taoist squeeze-and-open eye exercise for blood circulation to relax the eye
Learning how to blink
Yawning to cleanse and relax the eye
Stretching eye muscles for relaxation
Strengthening Vision


Sunday, April 28, 2024

Your Perceptions and Your Realities

              Enjoyment comes from the thinking mind, connected      to the body. 

    The human brain is composed of neurons or nerve cells        that transmit information and messages; they’re the            building blocks of the brain for the efficient functioning of      the thinking mind.

     Neurons are responsible for all human behaviors in the form of perceptions, which then trigger a mental process in the thinking mind that may result in an action or an emotion. If the process becomes instinctive, then the output in the form of actions or emotions is also automatic and predictable. That’s how attitudes and habits are formed, including the fight-or-flight response to any dangerous situation. This automatic or spontaneous mental process is often not “by choice” but “by instinct.”

     This “learned” and “acquired” mental process is often responsible for thinking and actions, as well as for beliefs and emotions. So, it’s important for the thinking mind to do the following: recognizing the instinctive or automatic mental process; challenging its reality or validity to see through the myths or even the deceptions behind; and then changing the mental process by taking appropriate actions accordingly.


The Bottom Line

     Living in wisdom is the capability of the thinking mind to recognize the deceptions behind the so-called “realities” perceived and processed by the thinking mind, that is, the capability to separate the sheep from the goats.

     Living by faith, you get your spiritual wisdom from God to perceive the differences between sheep and goats, that is, the differences between realities and half-truths.


Perceiving and processing


     The thinking mind processes all life experiences, which then become thoughts and memories, and ultimately the raw materials of the thinking process by the thinking mind.

     According to James Allen, author of As A Man Thinketh, humans are “makers of themselves” and the human mind is the “master-weaver, both of the inner garment of character and the outer garment of circumstance.” That is, humans may have become who they are and what they’ve now become by way of their own thinking over the years.

       So, life is all about mind over matter. Harnessing mind power is understanding the exact functioning of the thinking mind and how it may positively or negatively affect the thinking process, and then learning some strategies to fully utilize the mind power to live in wisdom.


Life Experiences


     An individual’s life experiences are unique in that they’re the byproducts of all the happenings in the lifespan of that individual. Those life experiences are determined by two pivotal players: choices and circumstances.


·  Choices, resulting in actions or inactions, bring about consequences as well as circumstances affecting life in general and in specific.

· Circumstances can come from self-inflicting internal circumstances or from those uncontrollable external circumstances.


 An Illustration

     A person had to complete a project and submit a report on that project. That person had sufficient time to do what he or she was supposed to do, but that person chose to procrastinate until the last minute. An unforeseeable event happened and made it impossible for that person to finish the work on time, thus creating a “self-inflicting” circumstance of anxiety, frustration, and undue stress that might affect the subsequent choices of that person.

     Of course, sometimes personal choices may not be able to alter the uncontrollable external circumstances, but they may still play a primary role in the reactions and adaptations to those external circumstances beyond their control. For example, in the devastating earthquake and tsunami that struck Japan in 2011, the Japanese people demonstrated their remarkable resilience in their reactions and adaptations to the uncontrollable external circumstances inflicted on them by nature.


The Bottom Line

     Living is all about choices and consequences from those choices, and that has much to do with causes and results—they often become the components of life experiences.


Living By faith, you often make the right choices with your own accountability to the consequences through God’s Helper, the Holy Spirit.


Stephen Lau

Saturday, April 27, 2024

The Meaning and the Purpose of Your Life

 Life must have a meaning, and living must have a purpose.

     Why do people want to live and to survive in this world?

   Not just because their parents gave birth to them, but because many want to enjoy life and expand their enjoyment throughout their living on this earth. And that is what living life is all about—enjoyment.

     In life, there’re certain things that some people love to do, such as playing music, running, swimming, and teaching others to pursue their dreams and endeavors. Yes, wanting to do what they love, while enjoying the doing—that is the meaning and the purpose of life and living for those people.

   But, for other people, they may find themselves not having anything else they love to do other than eating, playing video games, or socializing on the Internet. Engaging in these meaningless and purposeless activities may only make them become obese, self-obsessive, and misinformed. They simply don’t have a meaning or a purpose for their life and living.

     So, everyone needs creating a meaning and a purpose in life and living by doing some of the following:


·  Aligning with a cause, such as helping handicapped children, or taking care of sheltered animals.

·     Joining a church or religious service to know more about faith in God.

·       Mentoring someone in need of help or support from others.

·   Spending time in nature to expand the vision in life and living.


The Bottom Line


     Find a meaning and a purpose in something in life and living. A life without any meaning or a purpose is often a reckless and dangerous life, such as doing dirt biking, car speeding, engaging in dangerous sports, and even committing crimes and violence.

     Living by faith, you know the meaning and the purpose of your life that God has destined for you.


Living By Faith will give you not only a life purpose destined for you, but also how to live your life with a meaning.


Stephen Lau

Friday, April 26, 2024

An Illustration of Living By Faith in Real Life


 AnIllustration of Living By Faith in Real Life


     A 10-year-old boy shot and killed his mother on November 21, 2022. The boy allegedly claimed that he took the gun from his mother’s bedroom down to the basement, where his mother was doing her laundry. Initially, he claimed that he was twirling the gun around his fingers when it went off and “accidentally” killed his mother.

     But, according to The Milwaukee Journal Sentinel, the boy later confessed that he carried out the heinous act out of his irrational anger after his mother refused to buy him a VR headset. Members of his family further revealed the 10-year-old boy’s many previous episodes of erratic anger and rage issues, such as setting fire at home and causing explosion when his demands were rejected by his mother.

     Even while being interrogated by the FBI, the boy surprisingly asked if his VR headset had arrived or not—the one that he ordered from Amazon the day after killing his mother. Without faith, the 10-year-old boy just loved things more than people, including his own mother.


The Bottom Line


     Living by faith, you believe in God who can do anything and everything for you in your everyday life and living.

     Living by faith, you love God and people more than you love things in your life.




     In your development phase, you begin learning about things and people around you. You learn mostly from your loved ones. Your mind begins to develop with thoughts based on your own perceptions and experiences.  

     At school, you learn to read, to count, and to socialize. They all play a role in your faith in God: reading helps you read bible stories; counting enables you to count your gifts and blessings from God; and socializing makes you share your faith with others.

     Your learning should be extensive and inclusive. You may have your own preference but no rejection because you need comprehensive knowledge to understand and make sense out of the complex and complicated world. Understanding that God is in control of everything is the beginning of your faith, which gives you love.


The Bottom Line


     Living by faith, you begin your first step to reach out to God to help you with your learning throughout your life.




     In addition to learning, your life is also about doing—doing this and doing that throughout your lifespan. Your doing begins as early as in your development phase. Learning gives you the knowledge and the information, but you need to know how to apply them to your daily living through your own doing.

     With faith, you learn that success and failure are both sides of the same coin, and that you do what you need to do. With trust, you do your best. With obedience, you let God do the rest.

     Without faith, an individual may begin doing anything, whether right or wrong, just to give him or her joy and pleasure.


The Bottom Line


     Living by faith, you hear God’s divine instructions in your daily doing or undoing. You do your best and God will do the rest for you.

Stephen Lau

Thursday, April 25, 2024

Living By Faith In Real Life


Living your life in this world is the tallest order because every day you must make many choices and decisions, as well as take many actions or inactions—they all bring consequences that’re often difficult, if not impossible, to deal with. Like many, you may turn to the Internet, which only gives you more disinformation and misinformation. Worse, your thinking mind changes over the years due to your different life experiences in different phases of your life.

There’re about four phases of life changes: the development phase; the transition phase; the consolidation phase; and the awakening phase.

The Development Phase


While growing up, most probably, you’ve been living with your parents, stepparents, adoptive parents, or those close to you. In the first few years of your development phase, they all create your personality and shape your thinking mind.

If you’re blessed with having loving parents and people around you, the love of God will make you respond with your hugging, kissing, and your godly love.

Becoming a person of faith, you’ll also look at living very differently. For example, if your parents asking you to tell a “white lie”, such as saying you “love” some food that you really don’t like, you must say no because of God’s truth. Your faith will also stop you from forming the habit of lying in your life.

On the other hand, if your parents or those around you are controlling, dominating, and even abusive, your faith will help you respond positively. God says you should not only “honor your father and mother” (Exodus 20:12), but also “obey” them. Your obedience may not lead to their “love” and “approval” of you, but it’ll lead to the help of the Holy Spirit in changing them. Remember: God is “a father to the fatherless.” (Psalm 68:5) So, surrender your will to God, and let His Holy Spirit work in your heart throughout your life through God’s Word.

The next step to take is forgiving your loved ones for their abuse and wrongdoings and praying for them. Then, let go of any expectation of their immediate change of misbehavior; instead, accept them as who they’re with their imperfections, and cultivate your love and compassion for them no matter what.

So, continue to focus your own relationship with God to experience your own healing. Your faith in Christ gives you salvation and hope not just for yourself but also for the repentance of your loved ones. Yes, as a believer, you could be the light that leads your unsaved or wayward loved ones to their own repentance and salvation. God can do just about anything and everything in your life. With God’s love, just wait and be patient.

     Without God’s love, an unbeliever could become so obsessed and preoccupied with the thing loved that would lead to any irrational act.

Stephen Lau

Wednesday, April 24, 2024

Living By Faith


Living by Faith


     Living by faith is living according to the will of God. Living by faith is a tall order even for a true believer in God. The explanation is that everybody wants to do certain things his or her own way, instead of following God’s way.

     First, becoming a believer in God is usually a long and difficult journey. Why? It’s because humans are now living in a secular society where science is the dominant religion. As a result, many don’t believe in the existence of God. However, despite the absence of God in their lives, spirituality may still be present in the hearts of many. It’s because they may still believe they’ve an unfathomable spirit within them that can provide their minds with direction, guidance, inspiration, and understanding. In other words, many are still spiritual even without the presence of God in their hearts.

     So, living by faith, one must first become a believer in God. To do that, one must have the intent to believe, which begins with the thinking mind to believe the unbelievable—that is, understanding the many paradoxes of life and existence.

     Well, what’s a paradox? A paradox is a statement with two totally opposite meanings that seem contradictory to each other, and yet when they’re put together, they not only are true but also make sense.

     Believing in God has many paradoxes: the Creator becomes a human being; the Infinite becomes finite; the Eternal One enters limited time; and death is the only way to eternal life. The Presence of God is another paradox in belief: sometimes humans see God’s love, forgiveness, mercy, and justice; other times humans see only God’s indifference, His condemnation, and even His injustice. So, knowing and understanding the presence of the many paradoxes is the recognition of one’s own imperfections and incompleteness, and thus turning oneself to seeking God.

     Seeking God requires humility, which is the opposite of pride. God is above, and humans are below. Humility opens the door to God, who never changes Himself but who forever changes those coming to Him with humility. So, that’s how belief becomes becoming, which is the self-transformation. Believing in God comes with many free gifts—eternal life, hope, joy, and peace—and the free will, which is the freedom of choice to receive or not to receive those free gifts from God. The freedom of will is based on three essentials:


·       Faith: Believing in the existence and the presence of God is obeying His Commandments with accountability to Him.

·       Trust: Trusting God is believing in the veracity of His Word.


      “so is my word that goes out from my mouth:

          It will not return to me empty,

       but will accomplish what I desire

          and achieve the purpose for which I sent it.”

       Isaiah: 55:11


·       Obedience: Obedience is doing all the right and the righteous things in everyday life. This daily task is most difficult, if not impossible, while living in the flesh, already corrupted by sins. But God provides a Helper, the Holy Spirit, to guide humans along the difficult journey of obedience.


     The complexity of the ways of living life is that these different ways of living may overlap with one another. That is, an individual living by examples may also be living by wants while living by faith. The result is that living life is the tallest order for all.

Stephen Lau



Looking at Life Problems How I deal with my complaints In my daily life, I try to catch myself complaining about anything , such...