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Monday, September 23, 2024

Following God's Biblical Instructions

Living by faith is following God's Word in the Bible, which has God’s Word, the Bible, has 66 books (according to Protestants) and 77 books (according to Catholics); 39 of them are in the Old Testament, and 27 of them are in the New Testament.


Genesis is about the genes and genetics of Adam and Eve, and Noah. God teaches you about your “new beginning” with Him.

Exodus is about God’s deliverance of the Israelites from slavery in Egypt. Likewise, you’ve many of your own unsolved problems holding you in bo·       age. God teaches you about relying on Him to solve all your unsolved problems and giving you freedom from that bondage.

Leviticus is about understanding God’s holiness. God teaches you about how Jesus can bring you to God the Father, and how the Holy Spirit can help you avoid sins while living on earth.

Numbers is about the Israelites wandering in the desert for 40 years in exile because of their disobedience and lack of faith. God teaches you about trusting God’s unchanging Promises to you.

Deuteronomy is about Moses’ warning against idolatry, honoring the Ten Commandments, and sharing God’s truths with the generations to come. God teaches you about finding ways to share the Word of God with people you know.

Joshua is about Joshua, after the death of Moses, leading the Israelites to the land promised by God. God teaches you about serving God to claim His Promises while living in a world of many gods, many philosophies, and many temptations.

Judges is about the lack of national leaders after the death of Joshua, followed by sins and evils of His chosen people. God teaches you about overcoming lapses in your faith with the power of your repentance and revival.

Ruth is about how God turned the sufferings of Naomi and Ruth into blessings. God teaches you about trusting in God to redeem your hardships in the past, to bless you in the now, and to provide you with hope  in the future.

I Samuel is about the stories of three leaders: Samuel, Saul, and David. God teaches you about not judging by first impressions, and not jumping to conclusions.

II Samuel is about David’s forty-year reign over Israel and Judah. God teaches you that God’s mercy will lead you, like King David, to your contrition, your repentance, and to your restoration.

I Kings is about King Solomon’s wisdom, and the kings that followed. God teaches you about asking God for wisdom in times of peril as well as in times of prosperity to live by faith.

II Kings is about the history of the Jews after King Solomon, including how God saved Elijah and Elisha with no fear. God teaches you to walk with God with no fear.

I Chronicles is about how God led and blessed David as the King of Israel. God teaches you about His having work for you that you may not even know or understand; just do the work without fear until it is finished.

II Chronicles is about King Solomon building the temple to glorify God. God teaches you about keeping your body and your spirit as healthy as possible and use them as wisely as you can.

Ezra is about exiles from Babylon who wanted to rebuild the temple and to restore Jerusalem. God teaches you ·       about rebuilding your broken life with a new beginning, which is living by faith.

Nehemiah is about Nehemiah, a gifted builder in rebuilding Jerusalem “with the good hand of my God upon me” (Nehemiah 2:8) God teaches you about giving you a vision of what He wants you to do, that is, what He has destined for you.

Esther is about Esther who delivered the Jews from a massacre. God teaches you about your firm faith in His providence of solutions in all your daily troubles.

Job is about Job, a righteous and wealthy man who suffered tragedies despite his obedience to God. God teaches you to be obedient when you’re suffering, because He is sovereign over your life and your future.

Psalms is about songs covering almost every life condition. God teaches you about using songs to remember the Lord for your emotional and spiritual health.

Proverbs is about words of wisdom from Solomon for existence and survival. God teaches you about the importance of spiritual wisdom in commands in your life and in your living.

Ecclesiastes is about the philosophy of life of King Solomon—learning valuable lessons from futility of life. God teaches you about fulfilment of life not in riches or possessions but in trusting God in the now and in the future. 

Song of Solomon is King Solomon’s song about love between husband and wife. God teaches you about joy in a marriage despite the imperfections in the couple.

Isaiah is about the prophet Isaiah facing the challenge of a military invasion, as well as his prediction of the coming of the Messiah. God teaches about strengthening your faith in the promised Messiah who has already come and is now in your heart.

Jeremiah is about the prophet Jeremiah, whose messages were rejected by many. God teaches you to prevail and to persevere because He is the shepherd and you are His sheep, and you must do according to what He says.

Lamentation is about Jeremiah’s lamenting his sorrow and suffering, but with hope, God gave him mercy and compassion. God teaches you about not giving up hope and trusting in God’s mercy and compassion.

Ezekiel is about God’s prophet to the exiles in Babylon in the final days of the nation Judah, and about the destruction of Jerusalem, with the promise of the return of Jerusalem and the coming of the Messiah. God teaches you about believing in the Word of God, giving you hope in the days to come.

Daniel is about Daniel, one of the first inhabitants of Jerusalem occupied by Babylonians, who was faithful and steadfast to the Lord while living in adversities. God teaches you about always serving God faithfully.

Hosea is about Hosea’s difficult marriage and Israel’s spiritual adultery. The Lord told Hosea not to harden his heart and to plant seeds of righteousness. God teaches you about tending to your habits of your personal holiness in all that you do.

Joel is about the prophet Joel who said that the locust invasion in his day was a divine judgment and only repentance would bring blessings from the Lord. God teaches you about turning to God for forgiveness, and repentance for His blessings.

Amos is about farmer Amos, whose faith resulted in good deeds, kindness, charity, and justice. God teaches you about treating others with integrity and compassion.

Obadiah is about Obadiah who condemned the nation of Edom for the sin of attitudes—gloating over the misfortunes of others and showing no compassion for them. God teaches you about your compassion for others to please Him.

Jonah is about God’s punishment of Jonah who disobeyed Him. God teaches you about your faithfulness and obedience to God without hesitation or vacillation.

Micah is about judgment, sin, and restoration. God teaches you about living justly, showing mercy, and walking humbly with Him. 

Nahum is about prophet Nahum who said God always protected His people from storms, and humans should never focus on vengeance. God teaches you about not avenging yourself to rectify any wrong done to you.

Habakkuk is about Habakkuk who told God that he was frustrated by his troubles, and God told him to live by faith. God teaches you about living by faith, not by sight, and fully trusting God in all your troubles.

Zephaniah is about Zephaniah warning urgency of repentance of sins because “the great day of the Lord is near.” God teaches you about repentance because the end of the world is getting closer.

Haggai is about prophet Haggai rebuking the exiles who returned to Jerusalem to build their own houses, instead of reestablishing the city and rebuilding the temple. God teaches you about being strong with no discouragement because God is with you.

Zechariah is about prophet Zechariah encouraging the Jewish exiles to finish rebuilding the temple for the coming Messiah. God teaches you about not to be discourage by your slow and small work, for God’s spirit can make it great and powerful.

Malachi is about the final prophet Malachi rejecting apathy and its subsequent discouragement. God teaches you about discovering how little is much when God is in it.


Matthew is about the birth of Jesus, His teachings, His death, and His resurrection. God teaches you about baptizing in the name of the Father, of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit.

Mark is about the urgency to know Christ, given that many passed into eternity without knowing Christ. God teaches you about your urgency to serve others and to share His Good News.

Luke is about Luke, a physician, with a merciful heart and a head of truths and knowledge, spreading the teachings of Christ. God teaches you about being merciful and compassionate to spread the Good News to others.

John is about Jesus doing the will of His Father and finishing His work on earth. God teaches you about finding your way of salvation to be born again.

Acts is about apostle Peter spreading the Gospel. God teaches you about your calling in this life to share Jesus with others.

Romans is about reigning in life through Jesus Christ, as well as through the implications of His life, death, and resurrection. God teaches you about reigning in life through God’s grace.

I Corinthians is about apostle Paul’s grief over church disagreement. God teaches you about selfless love and unity within the church.

II Corinthians is about the personal journey of apostle Paul. God teaches you about not giving up your personal struggle in your belief journey.

Galatians is about apostle Paul’s letters to the early churches to walk in the Spirit, instead of fulfilling the lust of the flesh. God teaches you about walking in the Spirit and not in the flesh.

Ephesians is about spiritually rich, instead of materially wealthy. God teaches you about walking as “children of light” in the earthly rich world.

Philippians is about uplifting in spirit—written by apostle Paul in prison with the motto “to live is Christ, and to die is gain.” God teaches you about walking in love and trusting in God’s love and provision.

Colossians is about apostle Paul addressing some of the false teachings of the church in Colossae. God teaches you about setting your heart on things above, given that you have been raised with Christ.

I Thessalonians is about apostle Paul addressing Thessalonians with encouragement about the coming of Jesus. God teaches you about living faithfully and expectantly.

II Thessalonians is about apostle Paul’s second letter to Thessalonians about action and sanctification in the Lord’s Second Coming. God teaches you about what a believer should do before the Second Coming of Jesus Christ.

I Timothy is about heading up the work of churches to fight for the Gospel in a hostile culture. God teaches you about ·       living a holy life as a testament to the holy truth of God’s Word.

II Timothy is about Paul’s final letter to Timothy about being strong and fearless in preaching God’s Word. God teaches you about discipling the younger generation to spread the Gospel.

Titus is about Paul and Titus preaching God’s Word to the next generation. God teaches you about teaching sound doctrine and living a godly life.

Philemon is about a young slave in Philemon, who came to Christ after stealing some money. God teaches you about receiving, respecting, and refreshing others in Christ.

Hebrews is about Hebrew Christians facing pressure against their faith in the first century. God teaches you about your perseverance in your faith in any circumstance.

James is about James and Jude, who grew up with Jesus. God teaches you about being a doer of the Word by doing a good deed today and every day.

I Peter is about Peter showing how Jesus was a role model for endurance in suffering. God teaches you about sharing your faith unashamedly with others.

II Peter is about growing in faith and looking to the return of Christ. God teaches you about your faith in anticipating the Lord’s coming with hope and peace.

I John is about elderly apostle John, who would die for others just as God sent His Son to die for humans. God teaches you about laying down your life for your brothers and sisters.

II John is about false messages offered in the world of deceit and deception. God teaches you about praying for your discernment against false teachings.

III John is about offering an open door to God’s grace for those needing it. God teaches you about your generosity and hospitality for those in need.

Jude is about “contending earnestly for the faith” and “living in the love of God.” God teaches you about faith, prayer through the Holy Spirit, and anticipated mercy in the Lord’s coming.

Revelation is about God making you think about the future—His new heavens, His new earth, and His new Jerusalem. God teaches you about opening your mind to receive His spiritual wisdom to understand your life and living. 

Living by faith: Start reading God's Word is a daunting task. With the Helper, the Holy Spirit, you'll know where to begin and how to continue. 


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